Wednesday nights @ 7:00PM
Doors Open at 5:30PM
What is GULFVIEW students?
Gulfview students is devoted to seeing 6th - 12th grade students live Jesus-centered lives. It is our mission to make sure that every student is cared for and known. We firmly believe that having Christ at the center of our life is the best way to live. We believe that parents have the most important impact in the lives of their teenagers. We want to partner with parents as together we strive to raise students with the life-changing message of the Gospel, teach biblical truths, coach students to live out their faith and develop students into leaders who will ultimately be effective and productive in our world.
WEDNESDAYs @ 7:00 PM (Doors Open @ 5:30 PM)
Gulfview Students will gather every Wednesday from 6:30 pm to 8 pm for games, fellowship, worship, and a time to dive into the Bible and grow closer to God.
SUNDAYs @ 9:00 AM or 10:45 am
We encourage our Gulfview Students to gather with us on Sunday mornings for our family worship service from at 9:00 AM or 10:45 AM.